- The nail, lashes, and hair appointments haven't been consistent as they once were
- The fun things I liked to do going to the mall, thrifting, going to brunch have not been doing that either
- Literally, gained 13 pounds
- The selfies, selfie videos, and random postings on Instagram... nah, aint been doing that either
YEAHHHH... I know, I'm tripping right...?
What 'ca Gone Do About It?
For the months, December and January, I really did some self-reflections, talked to some of my older friends and close family members, and decided "I GOTTA PUT ME FIRST! and if you have been going through the same thing. YOU BETTER START PUTTING YOU FIRST TOO!
Life is wayy to short, to not do the things you enjoy. Do not let nobody take you away from who you are and what you love to do. Do not feel obligated, to put your life on hold, to endure the pleasures of someone else... nah sis, it isn't worth it....
So, what is "Love in The Hair?"
Although, I am in a relationship... This Valentine's Day isn't about that type of love for me. This Season of love I am really taking the time to LOVE ME! Everyone around me knows, I love them... But do I know, I love myself??
"Love is In the Hair" is a collection to remind women to love themselves. We always elaborate over the saying "Love is in the Air," which basically is a sense from the people around you, which results in "happy couples." Let's change that narrative with this collection and remind ourselves this Valentine's to love me, to love YOU!
Please comment what "Love is In the Hair" means to you and some selfies in the comment section where you felt like "THAT GIRL!", because WE LOVE TO SEE IT!
Everyone who participates will be entered into a drawing, the winner will receive a special gift this Valentine's Season...
Remember: We're always Growing in The Garden
Love is in the air to me means that having yourself pampered makes you feel good inside. When I get my hair done it gives me a different kind of glow. I feel like my whole demeanor change and my face also looks cleaner. Love is in the hair simply is a way of saying that getting stuff done for yourself like your hair makes a difference in your aura positively.
Love is in the hair, to me, is all about spending time with myself and reflecting. My confidence has been in the garbage these past few weeks and I really just want to go back to the days when I felt good ever morning when I woke up. I’ve been going to bed super late, barely eating, I stopped going to the gym, and I haven’t worn an outfit that I felt cute in since the summer. I really want to take the steps to sit down with myself and really evaluate how I’m treating myself. I’m going to start with my hair and hopefully I’ll feel more like myself again.
❤️ is in the hair , When my hair is done it changes my whole day I feel fabulous even without lashes 😂. Whether it’s a new wig a revamped wig it really brings out the best in me. This beautiful young Entrepreneur was introduced to me by my daughter and she has never let me down. When I leave from her I can the feel the love in the hair ❤️❤️❤️❤️